Beeks' Cherry-Picked Role Playing Game
This ruleset does what it says on the tin: it is a mish-mush of rules and ideas I like from various other TTRPGS and DIY blogs. Most of the framework comes from GLOG and Basic Fantasy RPG, with hints of Knave, Dungeon World, and others thrown in for taste. Anything written in italics is my own personal commentary and will often tell where I got the idea from. Time will tell for certain if all these rules jive with each other.
This is an OSR-inspired game, with a slightly more modern feel. Blame it on me first getting into TTRPGs with D&D 3/3.5e.
JUST A HEADS UP: This has only been playtested a few times so far! You are more than welcome to try running it yourself, just keep in mind there may be some imbalanced stuff in here.
ALSO, this website is coded entirely by hand! I say that not to brag, but to let you know it's a little wonky on phones. My day job is in insurance, not websites.
- 6-18-19: Working on the Big List of Equipment.
- 5-27-19: BIG update! First, how to gain XP has been reworked. You still get XP for failing rolls, but it's mostly an accomplishment-based system now.
- Second, I've added rules in the magic section for how to play the witch and cleric class!
- 5-24-19: What's up Gongfarmers? The Big List of Prior Occupations is now available if you want some good character skills/backstory.
- 5-21-19: Big List of Races finally up and running.